Healing Homebirth

Australia's Homebirth Network

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I have been doing some reflective thinking or soul searching if you like. Looking within to address fears and challenges that were holding me back from truly following my instinct.
I had a dream or what I thought was a nightmare the other night about childbirth. I awoke really quite shaken and it rattled me. I talked it out with my doula and realised that this dream was significant. It wasn't as scary or a nightmare as I first thought. This was my intuition telling me or guiding me in the right direction. It woke me up to the responsibility of addressing fears I had deep within me.
Once I acknowledged these fears and worked through them I felt much lighter and the path was clearer. It's amazing what we can achieve if we just listen to ourselves.
When one takes responsibility for their pregnancy and birth you are required to listen to your baby, your knowledge of your body and your baby and most importantly listen to your instinct. It's a beautiful freeing journey to lead.
I know I'm 100% responsible for myself and my baby. No-body knows them better than I do.
It was a challenge at first because I'm used to the medical model of pregnancy where someone tells me what tests to have, where my baby is positioned and what I'm doing wrong etc.
This time it's all me.
It's how I feel and how I'm bonding and getting to know where my baby is inside me. No-one else.
I'm not irresponsible or naive.
I'm empowered!

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